At Holly Grove School we know the impact regular attendance has on your child's larning and well-being and that having good attendance is linked to raising achievement. We have many initiatives to celebrate and support attendance in school and ask that parents/carers support the school by ensuring your child attends school everyday and is ready to learn on time at 8.50am.
Did you know...? 15 minutes late each day = 2 weeks of school missed each year!
Our target for school attendance is 90%, taking into account our children with complex medical needs. Make everyday count!
We ask our children to be an attendance HERO (Here Everyday Ready On Time.) Will your child be an attendance HERO and help us meet our target? Your child will be rewarded for being an attendance HERO. Every half term the class with the best attendance will get a special mention in assembly, have extra golden time and receive a trophy to keep in class for the half term. We recognise the varying needs of our children and reward them for their individual attendance success and improvement throughout the year.
Here to support with your attendance are:
Courtney Mercer, Nick Barrett and Holly Mackenzie. Ted is also our school's Peer Attendance Support Officer.
Absense Procedures
If your child is absent you must:
- Contact us as soon as possible on the first day of absence, you can leave a message recording your child's absence. Absences can also be reported on School Spider.
- Or you can call into school and report to reception.
If your child is absent we will:
- Telephone you on the first day of absence if we have not heard from you.
- If we cannot contact you we will contact all the numbers you have provided, this is to ensure we know your child is safe.
- On the first day of absence we will contact all numbers twice. This will continue on the second day of absence.
- After the second day of absence we may visit you at home, we would like to know that your child and YOU are safe.
- Invite you in to discuss the situation with our Family Support Team and/or Headteacher if absences persist.
- If appropriate we will refer the matter to the Attendance Officer linked with the school, if attendance moves below 80% as per local authority protocol.
If your child has prolonged absence due to medical reasons, we will:
- Keep in regular contact with the family. Follow procedures in the document "Supporting education for children with complex medical needs."
- Provide educational activities at home/hospice/hospital if appropriate
Please see the link below for NHS guidance on when to send your child into school and when to keep them at home.
Spring 1 Attendance at Holly Grove
Aisling's Class | 91.2% |
Katie's Class | 86.5% |
Samantha's Class | 72.4% |
Josh's Class | 81.7% |
Rebecca's Class | 86.4% |
Laura's Class | 89.3% |
Courtney's Class | 93.4% |
Julie's Class | 97.7% |
Adam's Class | 91.7% |
Jenny's Class | 93.7% |
Alex's Class | 85.7% |
Michael's Class | 93.4% |
Winning Class - Julie's Class 97.7%
Most Improved - Julie's Class