Communication Team

The Communication Team at Holly Grove consists of Charlotte Boddy the Speech and Language Therapist, Eve Taylor (Deputy Head), Aisling Carruthers (Communication Lead), Michelle Grimshaw (Communication Assistant) and a Communication Champion in each class who has received training in the key areas of communication and who will liaise with the Speech and Language Therapist on a regular basis, aswell as the communication team.

As a team we aim to support classes in meeting the communication needs of each child.

The school promotes a ‘total communication’ ethos, developing a consistent approach across the school, using pictures/symbols, objects of reference, Makaton signing and communication aids. Communication Champions work closely with the Speech and Language Therapists and the communication team in identifying the needs of the children and setting and reviewing appropriate targets.

The Speech and Language Therapists attend Holly Grove once a week. They offer support and advice to children, staff and parents in all areas of Speech and Language development, including feeding.

If you want any advice, support or guidance regarding your child’s speech and language development please do not hesitate to contact school and speak to your class communication champion, Aisling or Michelle or contact St. Peter’s Centre for Charlotte on 01282 628360.

Burnley Campus, Barden Lane,
Burnley, Lancashire, BB1O 1JD


Holly Mackenzie

Courtney Mercer

01282 953710


Karen Alty


Eve Taylor


The Georgia Fourie Butterfly Fund was set up in 2009, in conjunction with her parents, in memory of a very special pupil who sadly passed away after many years of bad health.