Michael's Class 2024 - 2025
This Half Term in Michael’s Class!
A warm welcome back to you all after what we hope was a lovely half-term break!
We have lots more new learning to achieve this term, including the following:
English: We shall take a deep dive in to the world of advertisement, looking at the many ways that companies and products reach their target audience. The pupils will learn about the many strategic tools and techniques used in adverts before creating their very own!
Science: We will be working scientifically each week, participating in many fun and exciting experiments! The pupils will be making predictions and recording results, as well as changing certain variables to find different outcomes.
PE: We will be mastering our net and wall skills this half term, focusing on sports such as volleyball, tennis and badminton.
Food Technology: We will be exploring traditions from around the world. From the Chinese Spring Rolls to the Yorkshire Pudding Wrap, there will be something for us all to enjoy.
History: We shall be going back in time to the Victorian days, exploring how life was a both a rich and poor Victorian, what school looked like in the 1800’s and what everyone did for leisure!
Keep a look out for posts on the school Facebook to see what we get up to!