Adam's Class 2024 - 2025

Spring Term 2

Hello and a very warm welcome back to all children, parents and staff! It’s amazing to think that we are half way through the year but what a lot of fun and fantastic learning we have had so far.

In Adam’s Class this term, our topic is ‘Walk Like An Egyptian, which stems from this term’s History topic ‘Ancient Egyptians’. The children will be exploring the fascinating lives of the ancient Egyptians, looking at such things as the pyramids, Pharaohs, Gods and the mummification process! The children will also become expert code-crackers as we translate the mystical hieroglyphics and have a turn using them ourselves!  

This ties in nicely with our Art this term, in which the children will be learning to shape and mould with clay as the Egyptians did. We are very excited to see what kind of ancient Egyptian jewellery and pots the children design and create.

In PE this term the children will be learning new racket skills that can be put to use in sports such as tennis and badminton.

Our focus in this term’s Science lessons is ‘Working Scientifically’, in which the children shall be putting on their lab coats and goggles as we conduct a different experiment each week! The pupils will lead their learning by choosing different variables to change within the experiments and predicting the results. The children will then record the actual results and determine the relationships found! The will be exploring the exciting world of chemical reactions so get ready for some exciting stories coming home.

Our focuses in English is authors and letters. The pupils will be exploring a variety of novels from the famous children’s author Roald Dahl. The children will then look at the role of an illustrator and putting their artistic skills in to their story writing.

The children will also be learning about how to write formal and informal letters to different kinds of recipients!


Meanwhile in Maths, the children shall start the term by brushing up their calculation skills by exploring different ways to add, subtract and multiply. We will then be revisiting measuring weight, recapping our learning on shapes and learning both positional and directional langue in space.

Please come back soon to see what we have been up to in another fun-filled busy half term!

Burnley Campus, Barden Lane,
Burnley, Lancashire, BB1O 1JD


Holly Mackenzie

Courtney Mercer

01282 953710


Karen Alty


Eve Taylor


The Georgia Fourie Butterfly Fund was set up in 2009, in conjunction with her parents, in memory of a very special pupil who sadly passed away after many years of bad health.