Jenny's Class 2024 - 2025
Spring Term 2
We hope you had a lovely February half term break!
In Jenny’s class, our theme for the second Spring Half Term is “Brilliant Burnley”. During Spring Term 2, our reading focus is Non - Fiction Campaign Writing. We will be reading Malala: Standing up for Girls’ Rights. Relating to this, we will be exploring different tenses, sequencing ideas, writing to persuade and using formal speech and powerful verbs. We will also be looking at Performance Poetry, reading and performing ‘The Dinosaur Rap’ from Julia Donaldson’s ‘Poems to Perform’. We will be creating our own version of this rap and performing it using expression in our voices and actions.
In Maths, we will be focusing on length, mass and weight, addition and subtraction, fractions, position and direction and time.
In Food Technology, we will be learning about ‘Lancashire Classics’. We will be taste testing a range of classic Lancashire dishes and rating them. We will then be cooking some of our favourites! Whilst cooking, we will be learning about cutting techniques as well as safety and hygiene in the kitchen.
If you have any questions, please get in touch in your child’s home diary or contact me at
Please come back to see all our achievements!