Aisling's Class 2024 - 2025

Happy New Year
I hope you have all had a fantastic and well deserved Christmas holiday and have not indulged in too much chocolate.
Our reception pupils smashed the last term and have settled in exceptional well. Unfortunately, we were not able to perform the Nativity live but we were able to film and share a performance with parents through the Evidence Me app. We are so proud of all the children and cannot wait to get stuck into our new topic this term.
This term we are learning all about ‘My amazing World’ and have lots of exciting things planned. We will be learning all about the different animals that live in different climates and comparing hot and cold places. Our big books this term are ‘We are going on a bear hunt and Walking through the jungle’ both focusing on rhyme and rhythm as well as repetitive language. We will be linking this to lots of learning though our curriculum and continuous provision. 
We hope you enjoy looking at all of the exciting things we get up to in reception. Keep an eye out for any updates and we cannot wait to share all the fun things we get up to at school with you. 
Class Aisling 

Burnley Campus, Barden Lane,
Burnley, Lancashire, BB1O 1JD


Holly Mackenzie

Courtney Mercer

01282 953710


Karen Alty


Eve Taylor


The Georgia Fourie Butterfly Fund was set up in 2009, in conjunction with her parents, in memory of a very special pupil who sadly passed away after many years of bad health.