Alex's Class 2024 - 2025
Welcome back, I hope you are all well rested!
Our theme for the term is Brilliant Burnley.
In English, we are building our own campaigns which we will pitch to our senior leadership team. We will be building our case for a new playground, extra chocolate or even more golden time at school.
In science, we are exploring animals including humans. This is an exciting topic as we welcome Zoo Lab during British Science Week to get a closer look at some wonderful animals!
In PE, we will continue to develop our hand-eye coordination as we focus on net and wall games. We will be playing sports such as tennis and badminton. We will also take part in some relay races to include competition.
Please come back to see if we are successful during our campaign pitches!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me on or write in your child’s home diary.